For you, dear girls, we wish two give you roots and to give you wings.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Game Two

This post is from last week's game. I forgot I hadn't posted it yet.

Hailey had a great Game Two. Shelby was really into it.

After the game we got a little jungle gym action in.


  1. do you know how funny it is to me that you are a soccer mom ;)
    i enjoyed the videos and pictures...adam's mill looks fun

    see you soon (btw i'm only bringing the twins to MI) just didn't want the girls to get their hopes up about CB

  2. Um, I find it rather funny too. I never expected to be a soccer mom. I don't know why it feels so weird to me. It's like soccer moms are frumpy, Starbucks guzzling, Suburban driving, helicopter parents always hovering over their kids as if they can't breath without being cheered on.

    The VOH girls think it's HILARIOUS that I'm a soccer mom. That's okay, someday this soccer mom, is going to be sitting pretty when her daughters get into college on some sweet soccer scholarships.
